Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ok what you are seeing is my back. It is at 62* in the x-ray, and the x-ray was taken in February.

Still working on the story!

Love, Chels

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rib Hump

Here is my rib hump. This is when my back was at 62*, or back in February. Also my surgery date has been moved to June 10 in order to include a June 8 horse show. Next post will be the story of how this all came about!

Monday, April 21, 2008


If you would like to see a really cute video of me, then here are the directions!

1.) go to http://

or just "youtube" and type in horselovr3393

2.) Click under "My Video's" the video Chelsea, and it will start playing!

if you have questions, e-mail me!

Here is the link to the actuall video if nothing has worked so far...

My Surgery

The date will be June 10, 2008.
Not the 3rd

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Hi everybody,

my check-up with Dr.Beil, my orthepedic doctor, is next monday morning and this appt. could be the deciding factor on what is going to happen for my surgery. So please keep me in your hopes and prayers!

Love, Chelsea

P.S. WOW, that earthquake was coool!