Monday, May 26, 2008

2 weeks

2 Weeks to go until game time

I love the new Indiana Jones!!!! Saw it yesterday!! GO SEE IT!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

3 Weeks

I am at the three weeks until surgery point. I have to study a lot, so i will get to the story later. Ok, well my parents got their blood drawn to find a possible doner, i have yet to have my blood drawn. I got my yearbook and you wouldn't believe how many people have commited to the whole "call me and i will come see you!!!", which i am sure some will, not all though. I am feeling the crunch of time, with a horse show, wedding, cuzin visiting, and finals i don't think about it that much. yea, thats about it soo... c'ya next time!!

Love, Chels