Saturday, August 22, 2009

One Month!!

It has officially been one month since my surgery!! I am extremely proud of myself! I can go the whole day of school without being too tired! I do get Tylenol from the nurse once a day, I just don't want to go without meds then realize how much pain I have. But the good news is that I "accidentally" went almost 9 hours without meds!! Which means that the pain is becoming more manageable.

I think that is all the new updates I have for now!! So ta-ta for now!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Sorry, been pretty darn busy!!

WELL, I got my staples removed August 3rd..I have 56 and I got to keep them!! It does not hurt to get staples removed, just a slight pinch. The staples create tension in my back, which makes it feel like one wrong move could rip them out. But right now I have a few dozen white butterfly bandaids up and down my back and hip.

I am finally sleeping through the night!! I don't get up in need of pain pills..which is great!! During the day I have gone from taking 6 pain pills to only 3!! I start school Wednesday, so I will still be taking a narcotic/ Tylenol mix. Soon all I will be taking is Tylenol.

So I think that is it for now, I will try my best once school start to update whenever I can!! Be patient!


Picture: Me before surgery and IV and all that stuff..I was watching TV!!! It was a show called Angel (spin off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer). I never knew it was on this early in the morning and I said "Gee, I should get up this early all the time!!"