Saturday, December 29, 2012

On the mend

So far so good! Stopped taking pain meds about two or three days after I got out of the hospital, they started making me sick.  I did however take Tylenol and another stronger Tylenol at night, particularly for my bum rib. Yesterday I had "my last" appointment up in Indy with my doctor! My staples were taken out and butterflies were put on. I still have restrictions for the next 5 weeks, these include no bending at the waist and no carrying of more than 15 pounds.  Mom asked doc to measure the curve and it is currently at 28 degrees. Knowing this will be beneficial in the future to check and see if my curve is changing, although it shouldn't!

By now everything should be firmly in place without metal! My back is still re-adjusting to life without metal. The tissue that surrounded the bulging metal is still sensitive and slightly noticeable, however, I expect over time the lump will disappear and I guess I will have to go back to life with a semi-straight back! A life I have not had since I was 7. It feels really weird!

That's about it for now, I will attempt to update monthly or whenever need be.

Thank you everyone for the love and support! 

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Hey everybody!

I made it home! My main objective is to  RELAX! Feeling ok, still have some pain, but I will soon get over that.

Dec. 20

Doc said Chelsea could go home today.  The nurse just removed and changed her bandage.  Nurse also removed the drainage tubes. Yuck!  There were 2 tubes into her skin near the top of her incision, but the tubes (probably at least 1/4" thick) went the entire length of her incision...maybe 12" or more. Of course, she cried as the nurse removed them even though she tried to remove them a few inches at a time.  It really is amazing what the surgeons do.  I was glad they came out easily and didn't get hung up or caught on anything.  Luckily she had pain meds about an hour before they removed the tubes and she is back to sleep now.  I expect she won't go home until later today.

Visitors last night were cousin Amie and Oliver.  We laughed a lot as Brian read most of the things that Chelsea said in recovery that he so smartly typed into his phone!  Like "how do they get so much furniture in a submarine, you could live in there!"

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Doing better

Chelsea has been up & walking. Even used regular toilet! Has kept some food down, so that is an accomplishment.

Now we are able to tell her the funny things she said as she was waking up, like "what happened?" And " I never knew submarines could hold so much furniture" and "mom, you look like the Beatles and its freaking me out" then "what happened, is it over?"


Day 2

Rough nite...slept only little bits of time in between vitals, meds, trying to pee, etc.  pain isn't too bad,  just sore.  Rather itchy which could be a side effect of meds, so doc ordered Benadryl.  Had a few bites of saltines and Cheerios. Hoping to get up today.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Out of surgery

Surgery was only about 1.5 hrs.  Doctor removed all metal hardware and a section of rib. She is in recovery and will soon be moved to a room.  Hospital is full, we hear.  Brian and I have been laughing at Chelsea's random thoughts as she wakes up from anesthesia.  Weird stuff she has been saying!

In surgery

Chelsea went into surgery right on time at 1 pm. The doc stopped in & saw her and checked out the rib he needs to fix. Chelsea was getting nervous and had a few tears. I just reminded her that she wants to feel better and get the metal out of her back.  She has told everyone involved that she wants to keep the hardware that they remove.  Brian (dad) even put a note on her shower cap that said "save the hardware :)" hopefully she will get to keep the metal that has been in her back for the last 3 years.

Monday, December 17, 2012

One Day!

Tomorrow is the big day!  Today will consist of last minute Christmas shopping, a trip the the Vet's office (for Trixie), relaxing, and packing for the hospital.  As of now, it really hasn't hit me yet.  Maybe it will as I am riding up to the hospital.  Tomorrow my Mom will start posting updates and she will put up my hospital room number, my condition, and anything else important.  I should go into surgery at about 1pm and come out before 6 for sure.  Before 8pm you all should know how I am doing.  The first night is always the most uncomfortable, so there may be a lot going on an she may not get to posting until late. Out of everything the thing I am dreading the the IV.  It is a pain. It is gross. And I greatly dislike it. And it always never fails to make my hands balloon up.  I believe this surgery will make my life a whole lot more comfortable and I just can't wait to get it over with and get back in the saddle!

Thanks for all the love and support!
And a special thanks goes out to my Mom and Dad for being there, always!

Thursday, November 29, 2012



My surgery has been scheduled for December 18th at 1:00 pm.  Which is different since every surgery up to now has been at 5 am!  The rule is that you can't eat after 12:00am, and I am a HUGE breakfast eater so this will be hard! The joke is that if I see my doc before the surgery I will ask him how his breakfast/lunch was, then remind him that I couldn't eat.  Otherwise life has been really crazy especially with finals coming up, and I have 6 finals! Which is absolutely ridiculous! PLUS I just went to a doctor today and found out that I have a cough that could lead to bronchitis. Hopefully I can get over this before the surgery!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Back again!

Hello all!

It's been a few years since I have updated this blog, but I am back for more!  And in this case it's not good news.  Over the summer I experienced some intense back pain between my shoulder blades, at one point the pain was became so unbearable I knew I needed to get it checked.  I went for a visit to my favorite back doctor, and after examining the x-rays for a long, quiet moment...he told us that the metal may have come off of my spine again.  I just laughed!  I couldn't believe it.  The pain in my shoulders wasn't really related to my metal coming off, but might be contributing.  Essentially I went in for a CT scan, which turned out to be bad news.  My metal has come off of my spine.  Doc gave us the choice, surgery or no surgery.  But given the circumstances, with a hook just hanging out, it could cause pain or damage...therefore we chose the surgery route.  The surgery is scheduled for December 18th.  At this point I am not scared or nervous.  I have other important things to worry about, like calculus 2 (which is currently kicking my butt).  But I am sure that as time gets closer I will get more and more worried. 

Attached is a picture of the CT scan.  You can see the hook which looks like a "U".  Ordinarily you wouldn't see the U, because it would be hooked into my spine.

I am going to try to update this more often, just so that everyone is in the know...

As for now, Adieu!