So far so good! Stopped taking pain meds about two or three days after I got out of the hospital, they started making me sick. I did however take Tylenol and another stronger Tylenol at night, particularly for my bum rib. Yesterday I had "my last" appointment up in Indy with my doctor! My staples were taken out and butterflies were put on. I still have restrictions for the next 5 weeks, these include no bending at the waist and no carrying of more than 15 pounds. Mom asked doc to measure the curve and it is currently at 28 degrees. Knowing this will be beneficial in the future to check and see if my curve is changing, although it shouldn't!
By now everything should be firmly in place without metal! My back is still re-adjusting to life without metal. The tissue that surrounded the bulging metal is still sensitive and slightly noticeable, however, I expect over time the lump will disappear and I guess I will have to go back to life with a semi-straight back! A life I have not had since I was 7. It feels really weird!
That's about it for now, I will attempt to update monthly or whenever need be.
Thank you everyone for the love and support!