Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day after surgery

Chelsea was in a bit more pain this morning since the anesthesia wore off. She was getting morphine every 2 hours and was given a valium in between morphine doses. So that zonked her out for several hours.

Highlights of the day were being taken to xray to get a chest xray. The doc worked very close to her lungs, so he wanted to make sure everything is ok. Plus laying around with no activity can lead to pneumonia.

The other highlight was sitting up with the assistance of two nurses, swinging her legs over the bed, standing up and moving into the recliner. She stayed there for about 1 1/2 hours. Said her toes felt numb. Once back in her bed, the numbness went away.

She was also visited by the doctor at 6:30am. She told him "thank you for making me straight." He replied "no one ever thanks me, especially the day after surgery, you just made my day!"

She's been surprisingly polite to all the nurses. She thanks them constantly. She also reminds them that it's time to empty or refill her fluids, reminds them or me that she needs to do her breathing exercises and so on. I only wish she could remember her chores that well!

Brian will spend the night tonight and I get to go home and get a good nights sleep in my own bed! Chelsea was awakened every 2 hours through the night for vitals, meds, etc.

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