Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Bad News...

Well, in the beginning of the new year I started to notice a lump on my back. It was a bit uncomfortable, but nothing I could not live with. But, bythe end of Feb. I decided I would mention the bump at my 16 (!!!) year old check-up with my pediatrition. She was concerned, and she was touching it, then she put pressure on it. It hurt, and she thought it could be the metal. So we scheduled an appointment with my back doc. He took one look and said..."I don't like the look of that. Let's take an x-ray"

After 7 x-rays, he still had not determined what it was... a rib? metal? muscle mass? nerve mass? an organ? So, he sent me to get a CAT scan, and wanted to see me back in a week to see the results.

When we were at this next appointment he walked in and said "Bad news.."[omg!] "a rod has come out of place." I was just...just..appalled. The hook at the bottom of my right rod has poped off of my vertibre. This means that he would have to cut me all the way open again to re-hook the rod with wires and make sure there are no other problems.

He showed us the picture from the CAT scan that showed the proof, and as he was explaining something he paused... scratched his head... mumbled something...took the picture and turned it every which way..and I said "UH-Oh." He caught something in the picture he had not seen vertibre was cracked. Now a totally different plan... cut me open again, take out all hardware, cut down lower, possibly into my lumbar spine, and re-hook the metal in a more sturdy vertibre. I do not have any more ribs for bone graph, so I will have an incision on my hip in order to scrape bone from there.

Sooo, as of today, April 15, 2009 the insurance might or might not pay for a second surgery...f.y.i. $70, i have an appointment at the Shriners Hopital in Chicago. But luckily the insurance company realized it was missing papers and is now re-evaluating. If so my surgery will be next week on a Tuesday or Thursday, maybe, I hope.

Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!!!
Love, Chelsea


Unknown said...

woah, girl! I heard from Stef what's going on - that's tough! Hang in there, you will get through it. No matter how hard it seems, try to keep a positive attitude and that will really help you! Good luck!

~Jen Simpson

Anonymous said...

good luck on monday! and have fun (wrong phrase : ) ? ). during recovery, if you need help with something like chem or math, i could probably help you figure it out. i hope you don't have to actually go to chicago. then i wouldn't be able to visit you. i promise to come visit if you're in indiana. you've got a cheerleader!

you and your family are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. if anyone can handle this, it has got to be you. you're a fighter, chelsea. i really admire that!