Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 2

From mom again: Brian spent the night last night. Rough night with lots of interruptions, alarms going off, etc. The drugs slow down her breathing rate and that makes an alarm go off that wakes her up. She takes a few deep breaths and the alarm turns off. Viscious circle trying to get some sleep. She's still very drowsy. She was up and sitting in a chair when I came in this morning. Just getting up and moving caused some nausea. She's taking sips of water. She will be up in the chair again tonight and probably up walking tomorrow. More later... Connie

1 comment:

Field Crew 07 said...

It is so good to hear Chelsey is up and moving around. Please let her know ALL the Pfisters are praying for her and her parents as well. Tell her to hang in there and we hope the pain lessens. We know that smiling and beautiful face will be back real soon!! Please call us if we can help in any way around the house. If Devin needs help, have him call. Tell Chelsey we are sending up cheers for her!